Source: GTZ
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH has right from the start been promoting gender responsive budgeting as a tool to monitor the implementation of PRS. Gender responsive budgeting was one of the topics discussed in connection with PRS processes during two workshops financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and organised by GTZ: the Gender Working Group at the conference entitled "Beyond the Review:

Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and PRSP", held in Berlin in May 2002; and in the Regional Workshop on "Engendering PRSPs in Africa", held in Nairobi in December 2003. The main stakeholders identified insufficient knowledge concerning how to apply tools and gender responsive budgeting methods as being one of the key bottlenecks impeding successful lobbying for and implementation of a gender mainstreaming strategy in public finance. To meet the demand for improved skills in gender responsive budgeting and to build up a pool of trainers in different countries, GTZ's Gender Advisory Project contracted the author of this manual to carry out an advanced two-week training course for trainers, which took place from 26 July to 7 August 2004 in Nairobi. It was attended by government officials, parliamentarians, 1 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly: Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, S 23/3, 16 November 2000, paragraph 36. Manual for Training on Gender Responsive Budgeting 3 gender experts, members of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers from Kenya, Uganda and Cameroon. This manual is based on the advanced training course. It has been designed for professional gender trainers who are familiar with training methods and gender concepts.

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