Source: ANGOP 
The governor of Lunda Sul, Cândida Narciso, Monday, in Saurimo, considered the application of the gender perspective, by the Angolan government, as a gain of peace. 

According to the official, if it was not for peace there would not be many women in leadership positions, especially in the governance of the provinces, as a result of the country's instability.

According to her, peace gains are immeasurable and well known by Angolans, but women's participation in the development of the country is also a recognition motive for resilience of the architect of peace, the President of the Republic, José Eduardo dos Santos.

Candida Narciso pointed to the expansion of the Deolinda Rodrigues Airport runway for three thousand and four hundred kilometers, the construction of the media library, two polytechnics, two municipal hospitals, schools, health centers, rehabilitation of secondary roads, bridges and the installation of a free internet network as peace gains for the Lunda-Sul.