Source: allAfrica

Today I am going to talk about W/ro Fanos Beyene. She is a successful model farmer. She was born and raised in Eastern Zone, Ade Woreda, Keref Kebele, at a place called Jitu.

She was born to a low-pursed family. The word Jitu in Oromigna language means a fertile area. In fact, the area is very fertile. At this point in time, she is a heavy-pursed woman. She tried all she could to reach where she is at this point in time.

She is a hardworking woman who conquered poverty once and for all by designing a number of strategies. She works day and night for the love of making her bread buttered well. She does not want to detach herself from farming activities. She believes in hard work. She often comes up with a number of successful business strategies. She hates to death an idle person who puts cold water on others' effort. Education wise, she managed to complete grade ten.

She has been supporting her parents since her childhood. She gets a great satisfaction in helping her parents. She feels affection for her parents more than anything under the sun. She is always by their side.

As she did not have much time for other social commitments, she got married late after she had grown to be successful in life.

To begin with the success story of model farmer Fanos Beyene, she was fully relying on rain-fed agriculture. Even though she did not have excess products at that point in time, she did not fail to get enough for her parents' daily bread. She regret wasted time. Undaunted,she did not let poverty shackle her hand and foot at any cost. She managed to showcase gender-equality through her determination and hard work.

She got herself engaged in irrigation work, which made her successful in the mid1990's Ethiopian calendar. She embarked on farming activities by renting half a hectare of land. She then planted onions and tomatos without much ado. At the end of the day, she earned 50,000 Birr. She grew to be very happy as it was the first time when she got that amount of money in her life. At first she did not have the faintest idea how to get a better income. As she went along, she could not get enough yields out of the half hectares of land she rented from somebody for agricultural purposes.

Through the passage of time, she got agricultural support from agricultural extension workers and started getting a better product. Hence, on the third year, she earned 120, 000 Birr from the same hectare of land. She kept on working hard over and over again. This being the case, her income went on increasing time and again. All things considered, she possesses five hectares of land together with three hectares of land she got from her dad as a gift. At this moment in time, she has hired farmers who would plough the land.

She as well has hired four people for the irrigation work. She pays 2000 Birr for each of them. There are around five to fifteen daily laborers. She was expected to earn 237 quintal products in 2009 Ethiopian calendar from various cereals . Among them half of them are sown in a row. At this point in time, she has built a modern residential villa in Bishoftu town which is estimated to cost more than 2,000,000 Birr. She earns 5000 Birr every month. What is more, she has got a shop from which she earns 400 to 500 Birr on a daily basis. She also earns 400 to 500 Birr from mill she planted in the area.

She still did not want to detach herself from farming despite she had a lot of income. She does not have rest. She does not want to live in the town for the reason that agriculture work is lucrative. She possesses 5.5 million Birr.