Source: ANGLOP
The analysis of the support programme for people with disabilities and rural women dominated the meeting of the Committee on Social Policy held Tuesday, in Luanda.

According to a press release, the committee, chaired by vice-president, Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, decided to refer the program to support rural women to the Council of Ministers for subsequent approval by the head of the Executive.

The deputy minister of Family and Women Promotion, Ana Paula do Sacramento Neto, without going into details, said the programme aims to support rural women to increase family income, make better use of production in the field and contribute to national economy.

The support to rural women is done through integrated programmes, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries," she said.

Ana Paulo Sacramento said that the programme will benefit women in rural and peri-urban areas of the country.

According to the press release, the Commission for Social Policy also examined the situation of higher education, particularly the faculty and infrastructure.