Source: Tanzania Daily News
WOMEN have been challenged to cultivate a habit of searching for information and grab available opportunities by engaging in income generating activities.

Addressing the Tanzania Women Dialogue function in Dar es Salaam, the Vice-President's wife, Mama Aisha Bilal, said development is like a journey that starts with an idea, "You should search for information so as to grab opportunities and natural resources available in our country," said Mama Bilal, who was the guest of honour at the annual event organised by the Women Footprints Initiative (WOFI).

She noted that the African woman apart from being breadwinners had many responsibilities, including looking for children and it is high time women started their income generating activities.

Mama Bilal hailed the WOFI for organising the forum as it is an ideal platform for women to exchange experiences with successful women as well as learn entrepreneurship skills.

In her opening remarks, WOFI Chairperson, Ms Vida Nasari-Mndolwa, said the forum brought together women, who through the entrance fees they paid contributed to pay school fees for 13 girls who are under her organisation.

"The idea was to conduct a fundraising to raise money to pay for the girls' school fees, but we changed it into a forum where participants will be able to contribute through entrance fees," she said.

Under the theme 'Economic Repositioning of Women in a Successful Tanzania' the forum was attended by prominent and public figures including the Prime Minister's wife Mama Tunu Pinda.

Inspirational speakers included Mr Azim Jamal from Canada, Mr James Mwang'amba from Mwang'amba Communications, Imelda Mwamanga Bang magazine and more.