Source: ANGOP
The minister of Family and Women Promotion, Genoveva Lino, Tuesday in Yeosu, South Korea, highlighted the contribution of the African women, particularly Angolans, to the fight against discrimination of females in the continent.

The minister was speaking at the ceremony marking the July 31, African Women Day, during an event promoted by Angola's pavilion at the Yeosu Universal Exhibition taking place this year in that Asian country.

Genoveva Lino highlighted the effort made by African women over the years, mentioning the way they have been handling the struggle against famine and misery caused by civil wars still hitting some African countries.

According to the minister, the struggle conducted by the African women to help in the raising of awareness about their role in the society, has led to significant progress for the affirmation of women, despite the barriers facing them.

She said that regardless of the problems facing them, the African women should be happy with the policies outlined by the Governments in favour of their development, in response to international and regional protocols on women ratified by the African states.

Despite the steps taken by governments, she added, there is still a lot to be done to lift all barriers and seek betters avenues for a peaceful co-existence and respect for human rights.

The minister also mentioned domestic violence, lack of Access to education, difficult access to vote, genital incision or mutilation, sexual abuse, women trafficking and other practices, as factors hindering the development of the continent and the African women in particular.

The event was witnessed by the first lady of Angola, Ana Paula dos Santos, the Angolan pavilion's commissioner, Albina Assis, Yeosu's governor, MPs, local Government officials and other entities.