Source: The Guardian
A care centre founded by four men in South Africa's KwaThema township offers health and psychological support to vulnerable women and children.

In a society where men often fail to support their own families, Stanley Nhlangothi could be seen as an unlikely advocate for women's rights. He has been running a care centre, New Image Rover Crew, providing health and psychological support to vulnerable women, children and orphans in the township of KwaThema, since 1996. He set up the project but three others soon joined, all of whom are male.

"It's easier to recruit women than men. Ninety-five per cent of my staff are female," says Nhlangothi. "The majority of men don't want to volunteer; they just want money, whether that's to support the family or to support a drink or drug habit."

In November 2011, the centre was burgled, but only files containing patients' confidential information were stolen. It is thought that those responsible may have been after the names of the women who had attended the centre after being abused by their husbands.

The burglary shows the hostility that projects like this face. Yet Nhlangothi is confident that the work they do is having a positive impact on the social relationship between men and women. Nevertheless, he knows there is still work to be done.

"Some men do come here, but don't feel comfortable disclosing their issues with a woman, so the male workers have to take over," he says, pausing. "I've learned to work with women, which is something that I never thought I'd do," he adds. "I can see how they relate to things, how they think, and I now understand their perspective."