Source: Aswat Masriya
MINYA, March 17 (Aswat Masriya) A group of young Egyptians launched a campaign against sexual harassment in the city of Minya, South of Cairo, on Monday to mark the national day for women.

Under the slogan "Look me in the eye", Ayun al-Fonoon launched the campaign in collaboration with the anti-harassment operation and other groups concerned, to raise awareness on the subject.

A study by the United Nations had said that 99% of Egyptian women are exposed to sexual harassment whereas a report by the national council for human rights had said that over 70% are.

The campaign organizes workshops and training for women as well as open mike events (live shows where the audience may perform at the microphone), for women to express their views and tell their stories.

A protester marches carrying a bladed weapon in a march against sexual harassment