Source: All Africa
At least 438 cases of domestic violence were registered from January to June 8, by the Provincial Department of Family and Women Promotion in Huambo, against 390 cases reported in the same period of 2010.

According to the head of department of family policy of the institution, Ágata Vitumbo, the increase is due to the fact that families lost their fear to report cases of family disputes, despite the awareness campaigns that have been undertaken.

The cases in prominence, according to her, were characterised by rejection of paternity, home abandonment, no payment of allowance, physical assault, blackmail and moral offences.

Ágata Vitumbo has announced that from 438 family disputes at least 223 were settled by her department, 34 were submitted to the National Police, 25 to Provincial Court and 156 in the monitoring phase.

According to the source, the provincial Department of Family and Women Promotion registers daily from 10 to 12 cases of domestic violence.