Source: RNW
More than 200 women were let out of jail for 24 hours after President Abdoulaye Wade declared Friday a "day of giving" in which no ladies should be in prison, the justice minister said in a statement.

Justice Minister Cheikh Tidiane Sy said that in addition, "the president has pardoned 34 women convicted for various crimes".

"With this gesture he wanted not only to mark his solidarity and magnanimity with a category of people who are vulnerable and often victims in our society, but allow them to pull themselves together to better reintegrate into their communities."

The statement said more than 200 women -- not jailed for serious crimes -- had been allowed to leave prison for 24 hours and would be driven to eight different sites around the country where they could visit their families.

The presidency declared January 20 a special day two weeks ago, also "asking that each Senegalese or foreigner living amongst us offers someone a gift, however modest."

Wade, who is seeking a controversial third term re-election in February elections, want to "demonstrate his commitment to human rights and the protection of women," said the statement.