Source: The Independent
On March 19, the "Faces of Climate Change-the gender perspective" documentary which points out the plight of men and women in extreme weather events like heavy rains, droughts and landslides was launched.

The documentary shows t climate change as having significant gender implications because of the different roles, needs, capacities and positioning of men and women in society. While women and girls have to walk longer distances to find food, water and firewood to look after the families, the men are also affected when they loose their sources of income as a result of climate change.

The documentary which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Water and Environment (Climate Change Unit) and the Royal Danish Embassy provides a platform for communities to voice the challenges caused by climate change and offers an opportunity for government and stakeholders to engage in dialogue and develop gender responsive measures to address the challenge

Maria Mutagamba the Minister of Water and Environment said, "It is our hope that the "faces of Climate Change-the gender perspective will bring local and International attention to the pervading social dimensions of climate change and that it will inspire decision making stakeholders to implement possible solutions".

Nathalia Feinburg the Danish Ambassador said the importance of a partnership between man and woman, husband and wife stands out as a central message in the documentary in order to better adapt and adjust to the changed conditions.

He said achieving solutions to the climate change question involves a higher degree of gender equality all the way to the household level and a concerted effort to actively include and address gender dimensions in the policies and interventions.