Source: UNECA
 This is a standard Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming developed in June, 2008. It is informed by the findings of a Training Needs Assessment and consultations with various stakeholders engaged in development activities. These cut across all the three sectors of society including the Public Sector, Government Ministries and State Corporations; Civil Society Organizations (NGOs, FBOs and CBOs); and the Private sector. This Training
Manual builds on existing and on-going work on mainstreaming gender in the country. During its preparation a review of the Plan of Action (2008 – 2012) for implementing National Gender and Development Policy was carried out and its contents incorporated into the manual.

The Manual will be used by the sectors mentioned above and as stipulated in the National Gender and Development Policy, 2000. It has addressed gaps identified and incorporated all the suggestions and experiences as spelt out in the TNA report. It includes issues of understanding gender, gender awareness and advocacy, human rights, and gender based violence, gender analysis, integration and gender mainstreaming, leadership and governance and gender budgeting. It is a practical guide for trainers in Gender Mainstreaming and promotes experiential learning among adult learners. This is a step towards implementing the recommendations of the National Gender and Development Policy, 2000. 

To read the full document, please click here