Source: IPPF
The handbook is divided into an introductory module and thirteen work modules.The first four modules are devoted to raising the associations' awareness regarding the relevance of Advocacy work, explaining concepts, and introducing the Advocacy models used by IPPF/WHR.

Modules 5 to 13 provide a step-by-step guide to designing effective Advocacy projects.
Modules are divided into sessions, and sessions, into activities.
In each module you will find the following elements:
Objective of the Module
Duration of the Module
Module Development
Central Thoughts
Support Documents
Session Objectives
Duration of the Session
Expected Outcomes

Activities have been designed based on a participatory logic. Groups should be co-ed. Ideally these
groups should be comprised of fifteen to thirty people who have different levels of knowledge and
experience regarding Advocacy activities. If groups have fewer than fifteen or more than thirty members,
you must revise the methodology to adjust it to the group size, especially regarding the time frame.


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