Source:  AWID
Violence against women and girls (VAW/G) is increasingly being seen as a critical issue to be addressed in the international arena. However, the dearth of rigorous evaluations of VAW initiatives has resulted in a lack of data to support recommendations for best practices in the field. 
In particular, many programmes lack quality systems designed to monitor and evaluate their progress. One reason for the lack of informations in the difficulty of obtaining reliable data to assess the scale of VAW/G and its implications for individuals, families and communities. There is also a lack of consensus regarding which indicators should be used to monitor and evaluate the impact of programmes aimed at violence prevention and response. 

This compendium of indicators has been developed to address these gaps, focusing on VAW/G programme monitoring and evaluation. It points to specific qualitative and quantitative indicators that can be applied in different contexts, alone or in combination. For each indicator, there is a description of what it measures, the tools needed to gather the data, and the calculations involved in producing the measure. 

The indicators presented cover the following areas:
- The magnitude and characteristics of five types of VAW/G: skewed sex ratios, intimate partner violence, violence from someone other than an intimater partner, female genital cutting/mutilation, and child marriage
- Four VAW/G programmatic sectors - health, education, justice/security, social welfare
- Under documented forms of VAW/G and emerging areas - humanitarian emergencies, femicide
- Prevention programmes in three areas - youth, community mobilization, and working with men and boys 

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