Source: IPAS
Part 1 of this document introduces the international sources of human rights, briefly explaining how international conventions are adopted and how their implementation by States is monitored. It also describes the legal status of international consensus statements, such as conference declarations. Part 2 introduces the right to health as defined in international treaties. It then goes on to explain the sexual and reproductive rights which are commonly acknowledged by legal scholars and international agencies. Part 3 provides suggestions on how NGOs and health providers can increase awareness about, and promote compliance with, sexual and reproductive health rights, particularly regarding unwanted pregnancy and abortion-related care. Part 4 presents case studies demonstrating possible violations of women's reproductive rights.

Appendices I and II provide information on international and regional human rights documents, while Appendix III provides questions that can be asked when assessing whether a woman's rights have been violated in a specific case. Appendix IV demonstrates how international human rights standards may be related to specific rights violations regarding prevention of unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion, postabortion care and abortion permitted by law.

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