Source: Equality Now
This report draws from the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).  Since 2005, this committee has referenced discrimination against women in law in 137 countries. Where conutries submitted two reports in that period, Equality Now has focused on the later submission as being more current. It is noteworthy that the CEDAW Committer had cause to repeat its observation on several occasions, lamenting the slow pace of change. It is hoped that the Working Group can complemet the role of the CEDAW Committee by assisting governments to find ways to address this perisiting discrimination. Equality now is pleased to note that positive changes have occured in legislative reform since these Observation were made, but from our own study in this area, we believe the general picture remains largely unchanged.

To read the full document, please clcik on the link below

UN Working Group reference doc - Equality Now - Discrimination against Women in Law.pdf
Report - UN Working Group on the Discrimination Against Women in Law and Practice.pdf