Source: Community Media For Development
This case study shares the process, techniques, and lessons learned from the Zaphamban' izindlela! radio drama, part of the People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) Raising Her Voice Campaign in South Africa. Produced by CMFD (Community Media for Development) Productions and supported by Oxfam GB, the drama was distributed to community radio stations, organisations, and places of safety in South Africa, using humour to get people thinking, and talking, about women’s rights and the African Union Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa (AU Protocol).

The case study demonstrates how entertaining forms of media, and engaging with community media in particular, can both create awareness and dialogue. Drama is an accessible form of communication, easily understood and accepted by various education levels, does not rely on literacy, and serves as both entertainment and education. The characters in the drama model behaviours that people can analyse and judge, and people are able to learn through their challenges and triumphs. Zaphamban' izindlela! is the South African, isiZulu adaptation of “Crossroads,” previously produced in English, Swahili, French and Portuguese by CMFD Productions for Fahamu Networks for Social Justice and FEMNET, as part of the Solidarity for African Women's Rights (SOAWR) campaign.

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