Source: FAO
This training manual focuses specifically on the linkages between local knowledge systems, gender roles and relationships, the conservation and management of agrobiodiversity, plant and animal genetic resources, and food security. Its aim is to promote a holistic understanding of these components. The training objective is to strengthen the institutional capacity in the agricultural sector and to recognize and foster these linkages in the relevant programmes and policies.

Other manuals may cover these same topics, but there is an obvious lack of integrated training materials that
address all three topics. Moreover, FAO's local partner organizations have requested specific training materials that focus on these cross-cutting issues. We strongly believe that a better understanding of the key concepts, and their linkages, will lead to improved project planning and implementation.

This manual therefore aims to explore the linkages between agrobiodiversity, gender and local knowledge, and
to show the relevance of doing so, within the context of research and development. This manual will not equip you with the skills needed to conduct participatory or action research at the field level, or provide guidance for research tools and methods. However, it is meant to complement existing manuals covering tools, methods and approaches, such as the FAO/SEAGA handbook material for socio-economic and gender analysis (

To read the full document, please click here 

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