When attempting to generate change and improvement training is vital. For this end Make Every Woman Count has gather Gender Training Guides to be used by women's organisations, women's grassroots, women actvistts or by anyone who seeks to work with gender issues.
The focus of the material is with regards to women mainly to the African continent
Source:World YWCA Empowering Young Women to Lead Change is designed to support the development of young women's skills and to enable themto provide leadership on the issues that concern them.
Source: The Centre for Development and Population Activity (CEDPA) Advancing Women’s Leadership and Advocacy for AIDS Action is a four-year, Ford Foundation-funded initiative designed to equip and empower a cadre of women from around the world with the knowledge and skills to strengthen and lead the global response to AIDS.
Source:The Centre for Development and Population Activity (CEDPA) This publication describes the Women’s Leadership for Greater Economic Participation program, implemented by CEDPA in partnership with Seeds of Peace, which brought together 15 young women from Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Palestine in a pilot program to advance women’s economic participation in their communities.
Source:The Centre for Development and Population Activity (CEDPA) As part of the CATALYST Consortium south-to-south program, PROFAMILIA/Colombia and CEDPA collaborated to produce a manual for managers of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs.
Source:Gender LInks This simple and accessible training manual prepared by a team of Southern African media and communication experts is filled with a lot of exercises and examples, simple steps, checklists and tips to be used for training or which can be applied directly to advancing strategic communications in your organisation.
Source:Gender Links The Local Government Gender Action Plan Manual is a product of the Training of Trainer (TOT) workshop that took place in Johannesburg in February 2009.
Source: Gender Links The Local Government Gender Action Plan Manual is a product of the Training of Trainer (TOT) workshop that took place in Johannesburg in February 2009.
Source: Akina mama wa Africa This training guide on Sexual" and Reproductive Halth and Rights and Violence Against Women in Conflicts Affected African Contexts" is developed as a guide for women leaders as part of the African Women's Leadership Institute (AWLI).