In order to empower and bring forth the human rights of women it is important to have tools that match the purpose. In this section Make Every Woman count has gathered handouts and guides produced by various organisations and government entities.
These guides and handouts cover various aspects of human rights of women and can be used in a range of settings.
This guide describes how to integrate gender-based analysis using health surveillance data and data from surveys or other sources to develop, change and improve health policy, planning and programming.
Source:WHO and London School of Hygiene This document aims to provide sufficient information for policy-makers and planners to develop data-driven and evidence-based programmes for preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women and is divided into the following chapters:
Source:UNICEF This paper is intended to serve as guidance for legislators, parliamentarians, jurists, lawyers, judges, ministries, government officials, human rights and children‟s rights advocates, policy‐makers, and for all those involved in laws, programmes and policies that address FGM/C.
Source:Kvinnoforum and The Rollback Malaria Forum This document provides information on the importance of a gendered approach to erradicating malaria. It also provides useful guidelines and resources for developing gender integrated policies, programs, and research on malaria. The guide is divided into three sections.
Source:WHO Europa The primary purpose of this checklist is to assist in the implementation of RH policies that integrate approaches to achieving gender equity/equality.